


This document defines the additional commercial terms, in addition to those already agreed upon between the business partner (reseller) and Nexsys, which apply to the Adobe Marketplace program.

The ADOBE MARKETPLACE program is framed within the following general conditions:


NEXSYS will provide its business partners with free access to the Nexsys CSP Store tool, which hosts the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” program, allowing for the automation of provisioning, control, and management of subscriptions on an annual model. The products included in the current price list will be those of the Commercial Segment, Level 1 (1-9 seats). The price list will be kept updated in the Marketplace according to updates published by Adobe.

If the RESELLER is not an authorized Adobe reseller, it must register as such within the ADOBE PARTNER PORTAL and wait for manufacturer authorization within a maximum period of 15 days.

The RESELLER must have a credit line with Nexsys to apply for the program, and this must be formalized to start operating. Nexsys grants the RESELLER full control of their clients’ subscriptions; this includes adding and canceling services for the clients active on the platform. Nexsys will invoice in USD (US Dollars) on the cut-off date, which is the last day of each month, with the pre-agreed price structure and charged to the RESELLER’s current credit limit with NEXSYS; therefore, there is no need to send a purchase order to confirm the activation of services.

Billing for services delivered through the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform will be done in US dollars (USD) on an ANNUAL model through a single invoice, with a single part number (SKU= Adobe-MP) corresponding to the total value of consumption made during the service period. The Reseller has access to a report on the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform detailing the consumption of licenses for that invoice.

NEXSYS will assign the RESELLER access credentials to the platform for a user with full privileges to perform all operations related to their account. It is assumed that the person in charge on behalf of the RESELLER has the appropriate empowerment and competencies for this task; therefore, the RESELLER assumes total responsibility for the use of these access credentials to the platform. NEXSYS will not accept claims regarding the RESELLER’s billed consumption due to misuse of the credentials, such as incorrect provisioning, outside established times, unauthorized persons using the platform, or incorrect sales margins to end customers, among others.

The user designated by the RESELLER will be authorized to perform all operations related to their account, making the RESELLER responsible for all operations performed by said user, and obligating the RESELLER to cover the billed consumption.

Access control to the platform is managed by Nexsys, and in cases where the reseller requires user modifications, password changes, or other similar processes, it will be necessary to contact their Nexsys consultant for assistance.

All processes related to the activation or cancellation of subscriptions on the platform can only be carried out by the Reseller’s active users on the platform, and no NEXSYS employee will be able to make changes on the Reseller’s platform.

Subscriptions provisioned on the platform by the Reseller will remain active indefinitely if the RESELLER activates the AUTOMATIC RENEWAL option. This applies only to resellers with CREDIT. For CASH resellers, the Automatic Renewal option does not apply. No purchase orders or purchase support are required on the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform once the RESELLER has an active user.

The RESELLER receives its subscriptions using the commercially agreed discount margin with Nexsys, which will be configured for all its active clients on the platform; however, the platform allows for differentiated margin management by end customer and for each particular order.

By manufacturer definition, ADOBE subscriptions delivered under the ADOBE MARKETPLACE model come with manufacturer support; support tickets to the manufacturer must be requested via email to Adobe.

The RESELLER has the autonomy to provision services on the ADOBE MARKETPLACE platform, which will be billed against its active credit limit with Nexsys. In case of payment delays, Nexsys will notify the RESELLER and may deactivate the RESELLER’s access to the platform, preventing new subscription orders or renewals. Services will be reactivated once the reseller is up to date with their payments.


The “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform allows the RESELLER to automatically provision new subscriptions for its clients directly to ADOBE. The products available through the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform are defined by ADOBE month by month and may change without prior notice.

When adding a new seat to an existing subscription, the remaining days from the day of addition until the end of the current annual period will be charged for the new seat.


There is a 14-day grace period after provisioning to cancel a subscription. After this period, the subscription becomes firm and will be invoiced in the next billing cycle. NEXSYS will not accept subsequent claims in these situations as the Reseller has full control of its subscriptions and clients hosted on the platform.

For existing subscriptions, cancellations cannot be made, and there are no returns or RMAs.

Acceptance of this document indicates that the reseller understands and agrees to the above commercial terms, and using the platform implies acceptance of these commercial terms.


El presente documento define las condiciones comerciales adicionales a las ya pactadas entre el socio de negocio (canal) y Nexsys, las cuales aplican para el programa Adobe Marketplace.

El programa de MARKETPLACE ADOBE está enmarcado en las siguientes condiciones generales:


NEXSYS suministrá a sus socios de negocios de forma gratuita la herramienta Nexsys CSP Store en la cual está alojado el programa “ADOBE MARKETPLACE”, que permite automatizar el aprovisionamiento, control y gestión de subscripciones, en el modelo Anual. Los productos incluidos en la lista de precios vigente serán los de los productos del Segmento Comercial, Nivel 1 (1-9 asientos). La lista de precios se mantendrá actualizada en el Marketplace de acuerdo con las actualizaciones que publique Adobe.

Si el CANAL no es canal Autorizado de Adobe, deberá darse de alta como tal, dentro del PARTNER PORTAL de ADOBE y esperar la autorización del fabricante dentro en un plazo máximo de 15 días.

El CANAL, debe contar con Línea de Crédito con Nexsys para aplicar al programa y esta debe estar formalizada para comenzar a operar, Nexsys otorga al CANAL, el control total de las subscripciones de sus clientes; esto incluye agregar y cancelar servicios de los clientes que tenga activos en la plataforma. Nexsys facturará en USD (Dólares Americanos) a la fecha de corte que es el último día de cada mes, con la estructura de precios pactada previamente y con cargo al cupo de crédito vigente del CANAL con NEXSYS; por lo tanto NO se requiere el envío de orden de compra para confirmar la activación de los servicios

La facturación de los servicios entregados a través de la plataforma “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” se realizará en dólares americanos (USD) en modelo ANUAL a través de una única factura, con un único número de parte (SKU= Adobe-MP) correspondiente al valor total del consumo realizado durante el periodo del servicio. Canal tiene disponible a través de un reporte en la plataforma “ADOBE MARKETPLACE”, la información del detalle del consumo de licencias de dicha factura.

NEXSYS asignará al CANAL, credenciales de acceso a la plataforma para un usuario que tendrá privilegios completos para realizar todas las operaciones relativas a su cuenta; se asume que la persona encargada por parte del CANAL tiene el empoderamiento y competencias adecuadas para esta labor, por lo tanto, el CANAL asume la responsabilidad total sobre el uso que se le entregue a estas credenciales de acceso a la plataforma y NEXSYS no aceptará reclamos sobre el consumo facturado del CANAL debido al mal uso de las credenciales, tales como aprovisionamientos incorrectos, fuera de los tiempos establecidos, personas no autorizadas usando la plataforma, o márgenes incorrectos de venta a cliente final entre otros.

El usuario que designe el CANAL estará facultado para realizar todas las operaciones relativas a su cuenta, por lo que el CANAL será responsable de todas las operaciones que realice dicho usuario, obligándose a cubrir el consumo facturado.

El control de acceso a la plataforma lo realiza Nexsys y casos en los que el canal requiera modificación de usuarios, cambios de contraseña u otro proceso similar, será necesario contactar a su consultor de Nexsys para que los asista en el proceso.

Todos los procesos relativos a activación o cancelación de subscripciones en la plataforma podrán ser hechos únicamente por los usuarios activos del Canal en la plataforma y ningún funcionario de NEXSYS podrá realizar cambios en la plataforma del Canal.

Las subscripciones aprovisionadas en la plataforma por el Canal quedarán activas de forma indefinida si el CANAL activa la opción de RENOVACION AUTOMATICA, esto aplica solo para canales que cuenten con CREDITO. Para canales de CONTADO, la opción de Renovación Automática no aplica. No se requieren órdenes de compra ni ningún soporte de compra en la plataforma “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” una vez que el CANAL tenga usuario activo.

El CANAL recibe sus subscripciones usando el margen de descuento pactado comercialmente con Nexsys el cual va a estar configurado para todos sus clientes activos en la plataforma; sin embargo, la plataforma permite manejo de márgenes diferenciados por cliente final y por cada orden en particular.

Por definición del fabricante, las subscripciones ADOBE entregadas bajo el modelo ADOBE MARKETPLACE, cuentan con soporte del fabricante; los tickets de soporte ante el fabricante deben ser solicitados vía correo electrónico a Adobe.

El CANAL tiene autonomía para aprovisionar servicios en la plataforma ADOBE MARKETPLACE que se facturarán con cargo a su cupo de crédito activo con Nexsys; de presentarse retraso en el pago de las facturas, Nexsys notificará al CANAL y podrá desactivar el acceso al CANAL a la plataforma, lo que le impedirá colocar nuevas órdenes de suscripciones o renovaciones. Los servicios serán reactivados una vez el canal se ponga al día en sus pagos.


La plataforma “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” permite al CANAL, aprovisionar nuevas subscripciones para sus clientes de forma automática directamente hacia ADOBE; los productos disponibles a través de la plataforma “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” son los definidos por ADOBE mes a mes y pueden cambiar sin previo aviso.

En el caso de adicionar a una suscripción existente un nuevo asiento, se cobrarán los días restantes desde el día de la adición y hasta la fecha de fin de vigencia de la anualidad vigente, para el nuevo asiento.


Existe un periodo de gracia de 14 días después de realizado el aprovisionamiento para cancelar una suscripción. Luego de este periodo, la suscripción queda en firme y será facturada en el siguiente corte de facturación. NEXSYS no aceptará reclamos posteriores en estas situaciones ya que Canal tiene total control de sus subscripciones y clientes alojados en la plataforma.

Para subscripciones existentes NO se puede realizar cancelación ni existen devoluciones ni RMA.

La aceptación del presente documento indica que el canal entiende y está de acuerdo con las anteriores condiciones comerciales y usar la plataforma implica aceptación de estas condiciones comerciales.


English Version



This document defines the additional commercial terms, in addition to those already agreed upon between the business partner (reseller) and Nexsys, which apply to the Adobe Marketplace program.

The ADOBE MARKETPLACE program is framed within the following general conditions:


NEXSYS will provide its business partners with free access to the Nexsys CSP Store tool, which hosts the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” program, allowing for the automation of provisioning, control, and management of subscriptions on an annual model. The products included in the current price list will be those of the Commercial Segment, Level 1 (1-9 seats). The price list will be kept updated in the Marketplace according to updates published by Adobe.

If the RESELLER is not an authorized Adobe reseller, it must register as such within the ADOBE PARTNER PORTAL and wait for manufacturer authorization within a maximum period of 15 days.

The RESELLER must have a credit line with Nexsys to apply for the program, and this must be formalized to start operating. Nexsys grants the RESELLER full control of their clients’ subscriptions; this includes adding and canceling services for the clients active on the platform. Nexsys will invoice in USD (US Dollars) on the cut-off date, which is the last day of each month, with the pre-agreed price structure and charged to the RESELLER’s current credit limit with NEXSYS; therefore, there is no need to send a purchase order to confirm the activation of services.

Billing for services delivered through the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform will be done in US dollars (USD) on an ANNUAL model through a single invoice, with a single part number (SKU= Adobe-MP) corresponding to the total value of consumption made during the service period. The Reseller has access to a report on the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform detailing the consumption of licenses for that invoice.

NEXSYS will assign the RESELLER access credentials to the platform for a user with full privileges to perform all operations related to their account. It is assumed that the person in charge on behalf of the RESELLER has the appropriate empowerment and competencies for this task; therefore, the RESELLER assumes total responsibility for the use of these access credentials to the platform. NEXSYS will not accept claims regarding the RESELLER’s billed consumption due to misuse of the credentials, such as incorrect provisioning, outside established times, unauthorized persons using the platform, or incorrect sales margins to end customers, among others.

The user designated by the RESELLER will be authorized to perform all operations related to their account, making the RESELLER responsible for all operations performed by said user, and obligating the RESELLER to cover the billed consumption.

Access control to the platform is managed by Nexsys, and in cases where the reseller requires user modifications, password changes, or other similar processes, it will be necessary to contact their Nexsys consultant for assistance.

All processes related to the activation or cancellation of subscriptions on the platform can only be carried out by the Reseller’s active users on the platform, and no NEXSYS employee will be able to make changes on the Reseller’s platform.

Subscriptions provisioned on the platform by the Reseller will remain active indefinitely if the RESELLER activates the AUTOMATIC RENEWAL option. This applies only to resellers with CREDIT. For CASH resellers, the Automatic Renewal option does not apply. No purchase orders or purchase support are required on the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform once the RESELLER has an active user.

The RESELLER receives its subscriptions using the commercially agreed discount margin with Nexsys, which will be configured for all its active clients on the platform; however, the platform allows for differentiated margin management by end customer and for each particular order.

By manufacturer definition, ADOBE subscriptions delivered under the ADOBE MARKETPLACE model come with manufacturer support; support tickets to the manufacturer must be requested via email to Adobe.

The RESELLER has the autonomy to provision services on the ADOBE MARKETPLACE platform, which will be billed against its active credit limit with Nexsys. In case of payment delays, Nexsys will notify the RESELLER and may deactivate the RESELLER’s access to the platform, preventing new subscription orders or renewals. Services will be reactivated once the reseller is up to date with their payments.


The “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform allows the RESELLER to automatically provision new subscriptions for its clients directly to ADOBE. The products available through the “ADOBE MARKETPLACE” platform are defined by ADOBE month by month and may change without prior notice.

When adding a new seat to an existing subscription, the remaining days from the day of addition until the end of the current annual period will be charged for the new seat.


There is a 14-day grace period after provisioning to cancel a subscription. After this period, the subscription becomes firm and will be invoiced in the next billing cycle. NEXSYS will not accept subsequent claims in these situations as the Reseller has full control of its subscriptions and clients hosted on the platform.

For existing subscriptions, cancellations cannot be made, and there are no returns or RMAs.

Acceptance of this document indicates that the reseller understands and agrees to the above commercial terms, and using the platform implies acceptance of these commercial terms.


El Partner bajo estos términos y condiciones se obliga a responder económicamente ante Nexsys (en adelante el Distribuidor) por todas los acuerdos o compromisos a 3 años que lleguen a firmar o aceptar con Adobe los Usuarios finales o Clientes que tenga el Partner bajo su administracion. El partner deberá respetar las condiciones que Adobe indique y que pueden ser modificadas previa notificación.

El Usuario Final entiéndase como la persona natural o jurídica quien es el tenedor o propietario del contrato VIP o VIP Marketplace de la Marca ADOBE.

El contrato de compromiso de 3 años, en adelante la “Enmienda”, que se firma con la marca Adobe permite conservar precios en dólares por 3 años desde el inicio de vigencia del acuerdo bajo las condiciones que la marca solicita, estas condiciones implican que el Partner deberá renovar obligatoriamente el mínimo de cantidades comprometido en los 3 años y también debe asegurar la renovación por los 3 periodos hasta su finalización, lo siguiente es detallado a continuación en las siguientes cláusulas de obligatorio cumplimiento:

PRIMERA: Periodo de vigencia y finalización de la vigencia de las Enmiendas.

El Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda comienza en la Fecha de entrada en vigor y finaliza en la Fecha de finalización. La fecha de entrada en vigor es la fecha en que el Usuario Final acepta estas condiciones y Adobe aprueba esta Enmienda (“Fecha de entrada en vigor”). No obstante, lo anterior, si el Usuario Final tiene una enmienda actualmente vigente y el Abonado acepta esta Enmienda dentro de los 30 días anteriores a su Fecha de finalización, entonces la Fecha de entrada en vigor es su próxima Fecha de vencimiento. La Fecha de finalización es un día antes de la tercera Fecha de vencimiento posterior a la Fecha de entrada en vigor. Esta Enmienda queda resuelta automáticamente si: (a) el Contrato del Usuario Final finaliza, o (c) el Usuario final no ha pedido el Compromiso mínimo de Adobe dentro de los 7 días posteriores a la Fecha de entrada en vigor, esto según las condiciones de Adobe.

SEGUNDA: Compromiso trienal.

Excluyendo los precios especiales y promocionales, durante el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda, (a) Adobe ofrecerá el mismo precio disponible en la Fecha de entrada en vigor para los Productos al Partner de canal directo de Adobe para el Usuario final, y (b) el Usuario Final debe (i) renovar automáticamente al menos el Compromiso mínimo de licencias y/o transacciones en la primera y la segunda Fecha de vencimiento del Usuario Final posteriores a la Fecha de entrada en vigor. La renovación automática quedará activa para al menos el Compromiso mínimo dentro de la vigencia de los 3 años o vigencia de la Enmienda. El Compromiso mínimo es la cantidad y el tipo de licencias identificadas en Admin Console antes de la aceptación de esta Enmienda por parte del Usuario Final, no cancelable y de obligatorio cumplimiento tanto para el Usuario Final como para el Partner. El Compromiso mínimo se muestra en su Admin Console durante el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda.

TERCERA: Aumento del Compromiso mínimo.

Si el Usuario Final desea aumentar su Compromiso mínimo durante el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda, entonces el Usuario Final puede volver a aceptar estas condiciones con el Compromiso mínimo aumentado mostrado en Admin Console. Después de dicha reaceptación, el Compromiso mínimo aumentado entra en vigor y se mostrará en Admin Console durante el resto del Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda existente, las condiciones del compromiso trienal serán conservadas en cuanto a los precios y en las condiciones que Adobe Systems defina. Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en la cláusula Primera, si el Usuario Final reacepta estas condiciones con un Compromiso mínimo aumentado durante el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda, entonces el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda no cambiará. El Usuario Final no puede disminuir su Compromiso mínimo durante el Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda y el Partner garantizará esta cláusula en calidad de
obligado solidario del Usuario Final, obligándose a pagar al Distribuidor las cantidades que el Usuario Final no pagó. El Partner pagará al Distribuidor en el momento en que reciba la notificación del Distribuidor del no pago por parte del Usuario Final, con indicación del monto a pagar.

CUARTA: Migración de Usuarios Finales del compromiso trienal del VIP.

Si el Usuario Final tiene una enmienda del compromiso trienal del VIP actual y migra a VIP Marketplace y subsiguientemente acepta esta Enmienda, entonces se aplica esta clausula Cuarta. Tras la aceptación de esta Enmienda, (a) sin perjuicio de lo
estipulado en la clausula primera, su Fecha de finalización es la misma fecha en la que estaba prevista la expiración de la enmienda del compromiso trienal del VIP, (b) la oferta de precio de su socio se basará en su fecha de aceptación del Compromiso
trienal del VIP, y (c) esta Enmienda rige su Periodo de vigencia de la Enmienda. A partir de la Fecha de entrada en vigor, su enmienda del compromiso trienal del VIP queda reemplazada por esta Enmienda.

QUINTA: Administrador de cuenta.

El Administrador de cuenta es el Partner, quien gestionará cada suscripción VIP Marketplace del Usuario Final. Las tarifas de licencia reales del Usuario Final las determina el Partner.

SEXTA: Clausula Pecuniaria.

El Compromiso trienal se debe cumplir por parte del Usuario Final y garantizado por el Partner, renovando las cantidades mínimas comprometidas y se debe renovar por la vigencia del contrato trienal, en caso de no cumplirse, el Partner responderá ante el Distribuidor de manera solidaria por el valor total de las renovaciones de las licencias mínimas comprometidas que falte hasta la terminación del compromiso trienal.

SEPTIMA: Cancelación compromiso Trienal.

El Compromiso trienal no se puede anular o terminar anticipadamente bajo ninguna circunstancia, se debe cumplir por parte del usuario final y garantizado por el partner renovando las cantidades mínimas comprometidas y se debe renovar por la vigencia del contrato trienal.


English Version


Under these terms and conditions, the Partner is obligated to be financially accountable to Nexsys (hereinafter the Distributor) for all 3-year agreements or commitments signed or accepted with Adobe by the End Users or Clients under the Partner’s management. The Partner must adhere to the conditions stipulated by Adobe, which may be modified with prior notification.

The End User is understood as the natural or legal person who is the holder or owner of the Adobe VIP or VIP Marketplace contract.

The 3-year commitment contract, hereinafter the “Amendment,” signed with the Adobe brand allows for price retention in dollars for 3 years from the start date of the agreement under the conditions requested by the brand. These conditions imply that the Partner must mandatorily renew the minimum quantities committed over the 3 years and also ensure the renewal for all three periods until completion. The following are detailed in the mandatory clauses below:

FIRST: Term period and end of the Amendment’s validity.

The term period of the Amendment begins on the Effective Date and ends on the End Date. The Effective Date is the date the End User accepts these conditions and Adobe approves this Amendment (“Effective Date”). Notwithstanding the above, if the End User has a currently active amendment and the Subscriber accepts this Amendment within 30 days before its End Date, then the Effective Date is its next Expiration Date. The End Date is one day before the third Expiration Date following the Effective Date. This Amendment is automatically resolved if: (a) the End User Contract ends, or (c) the End User has not ordered Adobe’s minimum commitment within 7 days after the Effective Date, according to Adobe’s conditions.

SECOND: Three-year commitment.

Excluding special and promotional prices, during the Amendment’s term period, (a) Adobe will offer the same price available on the Effective Date for the Products to Adobe’s direct channel Partner for the End User, and (b) the End User must (i) automatically renew at least the minimum Commitment of licenses and/or transactions on the End User’s first and second Expiration Date following the Effective Date. Automatic renewal will be active for at least the minimum Commitment within the 3-year term period or the Amendment’s term period. The minimum Commitment is the quantity and type of licenses identified in Admin Console before the End User’s acceptance of this Amendment, non-cancelable, and mandatory for both the End User and the Partner. The minimum Commitment is shown in the Admin Console during the Amendment’s term period.

THIRD: Increase of the minimum Commitment.

If the End User wishes to increase their minimum Commitment during the Amendment’s term period, the End User may reaccept these conditions with the increased minimum Commitment shown in Admin Console. After such reacceptance, the increased minimum Commitment takes effect and will be shown in Admin Console for the remaining Amendment’s term period. The three-year commitment conditions regarding prices and the terms defined by Adobe Systems will be maintained. Notwithstanding the provisions in the First clause, if the End User reaccepts these conditions with an increased minimum Commitment during the Amendment’s term period, the Amendment’s term period will not change. The End User cannot decrease their minimum Commitment during the Amendment’s term period, and the Partner will guarantee this clause as a joint obligor of the End User, committing to pay the Distributor the amounts that the End User did not pay. The Partner will pay the Distributor upon receiving notification from the Distributor of the non-payment by the End User, indicating the amount to be paid.

FOURTH: Migration of End Users from the VIP three-year commitment.

If the End User has a current VIP three-year commitment amendment and migrates to VIP Marketplace and subsequently accepts this Amendment, then this Fourth clause applies. Upon acceptance of this Amendment, (a) notwithstanding the stipulations in the First clause, the End Date is the same date as the expiration of the VIP three-year commitment amendment, (b) the Partner’s price offer will be based on their acceptance date of the VIP three-year commitment, and (c) this Amendment governs the Amendment’s term period. From the Effective Date, the VIP three-year commitment amendment is replaced by this Amendment.

FIFTH: Account Manager.

The Account Manager is the Partner, who will manage each VIP Marketplace subscription of the End User. The actual license fees for the End User are determined by the Partner.

Pecuniary Clause.

The three-year commitment must be fulfilled by the End User and guaranteed by the Partner, renewing the committed minimum quantities, and must be renewed for the term of the three-year contract. If not fulfilled, the Partner will be jointly liable to the Distributor for the total value of the committed minimum license renewals until the end of the three-year commitment.

SEVENTH: Cancellation of the three-year commitment.

The three-year commitment cannot be annulled or terminated early under any circumstances. It must be fulfilled by the End User and guaranteed by the Partner, renewing the committed minimum quantities, and must be renewed for the term of the three-year contract.


The risk of money laundering and terrorist financing is the possibility that the Company may incur for loss or damage when it is used directly or through its operations as an instrument for money laundering and/or channeling resources to carry out terrorist activities, or when it is intended to conceal assets from such activities. The ML/FT risk materializes through the associated risks, these are: legal, reputational, operational and contagionNex.

Nexsys has adopted and has implemented a Self-control and Risk Management System for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing -SARLAFT, as part of the organizational culture, based on stages, elements and instruments disseminated through prevention-oriented policies and procedures. , control, detection and reporting of operations related to money laundering and terrorist financing, in accordance with Circular 100-000005/2014 supersociedades issued by the Superintendence of Companies, which allows for the effective identification, measurement, control and monitoring of this risk in the company.

Nexsys de Colombia has a Manual for the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risk Management System, which outlines the policies regarding the prevention of asset laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, the methodologies, the procedures, as well as the control mechanisms and instruments used for the proper management of ML/TF risk. In the development of control management, an annual compliance plan is designed and executed, whose purpose is to measure, monitor, control, evaluate and follow up on the different aspects involved in the prevention, detection and control of illegal money laundering activities. of assets and/or financing of terrorism that may arise in the development of the ordinary operation of the Company.

The implemented policies, controls and procedures, within a risk management concept, are actions that seek due diligence to prevent the use of the Company by criminal elements for illegal purposes. Said actions include, likewise, and among other aspects: knowledge of the client and its operations with the Company, definition of market segments served, monitoring of transactions, training of personnel and reports of suspicious operations to the competent authority.



This document defines the additional commercial conditions to those already agreed upon between the business partner (channel) and Nexsys, which apply to the KASPERSKY LAB B2B Subscription program:


Nexsys provides its business partners with the free Nexsys CSP Store tool, which allows for the automation, control, and management of subscriptions from the manufacturer Kaspersky Lab in the monthly recurring model called “B2B SUBSCRIPTION.” This allows the business partner to acquire all Kaspersky Lab products referred to by the manufacturer as “Kaspersky Lab B2B Subscription,” such as Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, Kaspersky Security for Office 365, Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security, Kaspersky Security for Mail Server, among others. This platform is framed within the following general conditions:

• Nexsys grants the channel full control of its customers’ subscriptions. This includes adding, modifying, or canceling services for all customers that the partner has active on the platform. Nexsys will bill at the prevailing legal exchange rate within the next 2 business days after the cut-off date, which is the last day of each month at 11:59 pm, with the pricing structure previously agreed upon and charged to the channel’s current credit limit with Nexsys at the cut-off date. Therefore, there is no need to send a purchase order to confirm the activation or modification of services.

• Billing for services delivered through the platform in Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Caribe International, Guatemala, Peru, and Paraguay will be in US dollars (USD). In Mexico, it will be in Mexican pesos (MXN). For all countries, services will be delivered in a monthly recurring model in advance through a single monthly invoice with a single part number (SKU) corresponding to the total value of consumption during the service month. The channel has access to detailed billing information on the platform that supports this invoice.

• Nexsys will assign each channel access credentials to the platform for a user with full privileges to perform all operations related to the channel. It is assumed that the person responsible on the channel’s part has the necessary empowerment and competencies for this task. Therefore, the channel assumes full responsibility for the use of these platform access credentials, and Nexsys will not accept claims regarding the channel’s billed consumption due to misuse of the credentials, such as incorrect provisioning, actions taken outside established timelines, unauthorized individuals using the platform, or incorrect pricing margins to the end customer, among others.

• Access control to the platform is managed by Nexsys, and in cases where the channel requires user modifications, password changes, or other similar processes, it will be necessary to contact their Nexsys consultant for assistance in the process.

• All processes related to activation, modification, or cancellation of subscriptions on the platform can only be performed by active channel users on the platform, and no Nexsys staff member may make changes to the channel’s console.

• Modifications or cancellations made after the established cut-off date for the platform will be considered by the platform as scheduled changes for the current month, and they will remain active during that period. The channel must pay the total value of the service for that month. Nexsys will not accept subsequent claims in these situations since the channel has full control over its subscriptions and customers hosted on the platform.

• Subscriptions provisioned by the channel through the platform will remain active indefinitely until the channel modifies or cancels the service on the platform. Therefore, monthly purchase orders or any purchase support are not required on the platform once the channel has an active user.

• The channel receives its subscriptions using the discount margin established in Kaspersky Lab’s Channel Program according to its partner level, and this margin will be configured for all its active customers on the platform.

• By the manufacturer’s definition, Kaspersky Lab licenses delivered under the B2B subscription model come with first-level support through Nexsys. Therefore, all support tickets with the manufacturer must be channeled through Nexsys, and it does not allow delegation of this function to any channel or end customer staff. For second and third-level support, the channel must contact Kaspersky Lab through Kaspersky Company Account at https://companyaccount.kaspersky.com/.

• The provisioning process for new subscriptions, modifications, or cancellations takes a maximum of 4 business hours, taking into account the alternate provisioning process in case of failures or delays in the Kaspersky Lab B2B Subscription service.

• The channel has the autonomy to provision services on the Nexsys CSP Store platform, which will be billed against its active credit limit with Nexsys. If there is a delay in the payment of subscriptions exceeding 15 days from the agreed-upon date, Nexsys will send a reminder email of this delay to the registered contact persons. Afterward, the channel has an additional 7 days to settle the payment for the services or reach a payment agreement with Nexsys. If payment for the services is not regularized within this period, Nexsys will proceed to deactivate the unpaid services, which can be reactivated once payments are regularized.


• The platform allows the channel to provision new subscriptions for its customers automatically directly to Kaspersky Lab. The services available through the platform are defined by Kaspersky Lab on a monthly basis and may change without prior notice.

• New subscriptions on the platform can be activated at any time, and during the period between the activation day and the cut-off date, which is the last day of the month, licenses will have no cost for the channel or the customer.


• In the case of an increase or decrease in licenses in an already active subscription, the system will charge for all licenses according to the highest quantity of license consumption during the month.

• There is a cancellation process available for users each month, and they can be entered into the platform at any time. However, these will be scheduled to execute only on the cut-off date and will be reflected at that time.


• The Reseller can access reports for the last 3 months available or a history of all reports corresponding to licenses acquired through the platform. The date ranges go from the first day of each month to the last day of the month.

• Reports are generated in Mexican pesos for Nexsys Mexico (MXN) and will be available in US dollars (USD) for LATAM.

Acceptance of this document indicates that the channel understands and agrees to the above commercial conditions, and using the platform implies acceptance of these commercial conditions.



This document defines the additional commercial terms agreed upon between the business partner (channel) and Nexsys, which apply to the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program:


Nexsys provides its business partners with the free tool “Nexsys Connect Marketplace,” which allows for the automation, control, and management of Microsoft cloud subscriptions under the monthly recurring model called “Cloud Solution Provider.” This program enables business partners to acquire all Microsoft cloud services referred to by the manufacturer as “Microsoft online services,” including Office 365, Microsoft 365, Azure, Intune, EMS, standalone cloud services such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, among others, as well as Perpetual and Subscription software services. The following general terms apply:

Nexsys grants the channel full control over its customers’ subscriptions, including adding, modifying, or canceling services for all customers active on the platform. Nexsys will invoice these services at the prevailing legal exchange rate on the 8th day of each month at 11:59 PM, as the cutoff date is the last day of each month. Therefore, no purchase order is required to confirm the activation or modification of services.

Billing for services delivered through the platform will be in US dollars (USD) on a monthly or annual basis, billed in advance through a single invoice with a single part number (SKU) corresponding to the total value of consumption during the month or year of service. The channel has access to detailed billing information supporting the invoice.

Non-compliance with the account status with Nexsys will result in the suspension of active services. For customers without a credit limit, there will be an 8-calendar day period to make the payment for the issued invoice. Prices for monthly subscription activations will be honored for the duration of the acquired contract. Once the first anniversary is reached, the price will be adjusted according to the prevailing price list.

Nexsys will assign each channel access credentials to the platform for a user with full privileges to perform all channel-related operations. It is assumed that the person responsible for the channel has the appropriate empowerment and competencies for this task. Therefore, the channel assumes full responsibility for the use of these platform access credentials, and Nexsys will not accept claims regarding billed consumption due to misuse of credentials, such as incorrect provisioning, out-of-schedule provisioning, unauthorized personnel using the platform, or incorrect profit margins when selling to end customers, among others.

Access control to the platform is managed by Nexsys. In cases where the channel needs to modify users, change passwords, or perform similar processes, it will be necessary to contact their Nexsys consultant for assistance.

All processes related to activation, modification, or cancellation of subscriptions on the platform can only be carried out by active channel users on the platform. No Nexsys personnel can make changes in the channel’s console.

Modifications made after the established platform cutoff date (the last day of each month) will be considered by the platform as scheduled changes for the following month. During this entire period, the services will be active, and the channel must pay the full service amount for that month. Nexsys will not accept subsequent claims in these situations since the channel has full control over its subscriptions and customers hosted on the platform.

Subscriptions provisioned on the platform by the channel will remain active indefinitely until the channel modifies or cancels the service on the platform. Therefore, monthly purchase orders or any purchase support are not required on the platform once the channel has an active user.

The channel will receive its subscriptions using the discount margin negotiated commercially with Nexsys. This margin will be configured for all active customers on the platform. However, the platform allows for differentiated margins per end customer for special cases. By default, the negotiated margin is set, so these cases should be handled with Nexsys’s commercial consultant and configured on a case-by-case basis on the platform.

By definition of the manufacturer, Microsoft online Services subscriptions delivered under the CSP model come with manufacturer support through Nexsys. Therefore, all support tickets with the manufacturer must be channeled through Nexsys, and delegation of this function to any channel or end customer personnel is not allowed.

The provisioning process for new subscriptions, modifications, or cancellations takes a maximum of 4 business hours, considering the alternative provisioning process in case of service failures or delays in Microsoft online Services.

The channel has the autonomy to provision services on the Nexsys cloud Connect platform, which will be billed against its active credit limit with Nexsys. If there is a delay in the payment of subscriptions exceeding 15 days from the agreed-upon date, Nexsys will send a reminder email to the registered contact persons. After this period, the channel has an additional 7 days to pay the service charges or reach a payment agreement with Nexsys. If payment is not regularized within this period, Nexsys will proceed to deactivate the unpaid services, which can be reactivated once payments are regularized. When non-payment occurs, a penalty will be applied, which is the charge for the days the service was suspended.


Under our platform, you can manage subscriptions under the New Commerce and Legacy models.

The Legacy model has been in use for 6 years, where the subscription is for one year with the option to pay monthly or in a single upfront payment. It allows for the possibility to reduce quantities at any time during the year.

The New Commerce model involves contracts, with the monthly contract being for only 30 days, requiring monthly renewal. The annual contract is a 365-day contract, which is more cost-effective than the monthly contract and can be paid either as a single upfront payment or monthly. In neither of these contracts can quantities be reduced or canceled until the contracted term is completed.


In CSP, for consumption services (Office 365, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and EMS), there are three types of contracts: Monthly, Annual, and Triennial.

The Monthly contract has a duration of 30 days, so it must be renewed every month, and it will be based on the prices set each month.

The Annual contract has a duration of 365 days and is renewed annually. If this contract is selected with monthly payment, the initial price will be honored for the duration of the contract (365 days).

The Triennial contract has a duration of 1095 days and is renewed every three years. If this contract is selected with monthly or annual payment, the initial price will be honored for the duration of the contract (1095 days).

New services provisioned on the platform can be activated at any time. The platform allows the channel to provision new subscriptions for its customers automatically and directly to Microsoft Online Services. The services available through the platform are defined by Microsoft month by month and are subject to change without prior notice. Activated services will be respected for the contracted period, and at the time of renewal, it will be verified whether the service is still valid according to Microsoft Online Services.


Each subscription has its anniversary date, which depends on the activation date.

For an increase in quantities in an already active subscription, a proportional charge will be generated for the new quantities during the remaining days until the anniversary date, and this will be billed in the following month after the transaction is made. This only applies to consumption services (Office 365, Microsoft 365

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